Water in the 21st Century Fireside Chat
This event took place on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 from 5:30pm - 6:30 pm in the Boyd Law Building (BLB) at the University of Iowa College of Iowa.
On Tuesday, October 10, HELI hosted a fireside chat style discussion between Dean Kevin Washburn and Tanya Trujillo, Iowa Law graduate (92JD) and former Assistant Secretary for Water and Science at the US Department of the Interior. Assistant Secretary Trujillo is currently the Water Policy Advisor to the New Mexico Governor and Deputy State Engineer. Assistant Secretary Trujillo discussed her perspectives as an Iowa law graduate whose winding career path took her from private practice to the nonprofit sector and then roles in federal and state government. Assistant Secretary Trujillo, who recently took on the challenge of adjusting historical water allocations for the Colorado River, spoke about her experience in the natural resources field, including nonprofit work on water stakeholder negotiations in the West and state and federal efforts to implement science-based climate policy.
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At a Glance
In Person Attendees
Total registrations
Different university of iowa colleges represented in attendance

Welcoming Remarks
Welcoming Remarks were given by UI College of Law Dean Kevin Washburn in room 225 in the Boyd Law Building.
Fireside Speaker

Tanya Trujillo
Water Policy Advisor to the Governor and Deputy State Engineer of New Mexico