Upcoming HELI Events
The Hubbell Environmental Law Initiative events are here.
For our past events, visit our previous events here.
Upcoming Events

Workers on the Frontlines of a Hotter Planet

The Making of Environmental Law in the United States with Richard J. Lazarus
What kinds of events does HELI organize and support?
The HELI team hosts various kinds of events during the academic year. Those events generally fall into the following categories:
Hubbell Lecture Series
Leading voices from academia, government, environmental groups, and industry. Some lecturers are co-sponsored by other schools and programs at the University of Iowa or the larger community. The lecture series provides Iowa Law students the community the opportunity to learn from leaders of the environmental movement in the United States, builds relationships between the Law School and the environmental community, and contributes to debate about the environmental challenges facing our nation and the world. Students have the opportunity to meet privately with speakers during their visits to Iowa Law. All lectures are free and open to the public.

Careers in Environmental Law Speaker Series
HELI offers an event series focusing on careers in the large umbrella of environmental law. This event series includes public service and public interest attorneys, as well as attorneys in private practice and within larger firms and corporations. The practice areas encompass areas of environmental law, such as energy and sustainability programs, as well as more traditional compliance counseling and enforcement practices. Most speakers in this series are Iowa Law alums.
Panel Discussions and Special Events
HELI routinely sponsors panel discussions and special events throughout the year on current issues in environmental law with a particular emphasis on issues affecting the state of Iowa and the midwest region. The panel discussions are moderated by members of Iowa's distinguished and extensive environmental and sustainability faculty, staff and researchers. The discussions include presentations by academics, practitioners, and policy makers. Many of the events and panels are presented in conjunction with classroom discussions.
News about past events

HELI Announces Fall 2023 Event Schedule