Adapting to a Warming World: Perspectives from the Environmental Law Collaborative
Environmental scholars from around the country joined for a series of talks exploring what it means to adapt to a warming world. This event took place on Friday, April 14, 2023 in the Boyd Law Building (BLB) at the University of Iowa College of Law.
This event was held in person, with the option of watching a livestream via Zoom. Scroll down to learn more about the event and the panelists.
Adapting to a Warming World Panels
This event featured the following panels. Scroll below to learn more about each panel.
Moderators and panelists from 8 different states
people attended the ELC panel series

The Day At A Glance
Welcoming Remarks and Introductions
9:30 AM
Welcoming Remarks and Introductions were given by UI College of Law Dean Kevin Washburn.
Professor Shannon Roesler then presented an 'Introduction to the ELC Project and the Disruptions of a Warming World.'

Panel Session 1: Adapting Law to a Warming World
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
The Panelists

Michael Gerrard

Kevin Lynch

Melissa Powers

Panel 1: Adapting Law to a Warming World Video
Panel Session 2: Adapting Governance to a Warming World
Lunch Session
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM
The Panelists

Josh Galperin

Kevin Lynch

Jessica Owley

Panel 2: Adapting Governance to a Warming World Video
Panel Session 3: Equity and Justice Considerations in a Warming World
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Panel 3

Cinnamon P. Carlarne

Keith H. Hirokawa

Clifford Villa
Panel 3: Equity and Justice in a Warming World Video
About the Environmental Law Collaborative
The Environmental Law Collaborative (ELC) comprises a rotating group of law professors who assemble every other year to think, discuss, and write on an important and intriguing theme in environmental law. The goals of this meeting are both scholarly and practical, as ELC participants seek to use their disparate areas of scholarly expertise to study trends and important events in the law and ultimately to improve the environmental conditions of the world in which we live.